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UK: Covid-19 and AGM 2021 Insights - Did Companies Listen on Executive Pay?

06 May 2021

The first 50 UK annual general meetings (AGMs) of 2021 have now taken place and stakeholders are closely watching how companies have addressed Covid-19 disruptions in making decisions on executive pay.

The first 50 UK annual general meetings (AGMs) of 2021 have now taken place and stakeholders are closely watching how companies have addressed Covid-19 disruptions in making decisions on executive pay.


As organisations sought to find a path to recovery out of the pandemic in 2020, many furloughed employees or accepted other government support.


Was this first group of companies to hold general meetings sensitive to concerns by employees and investors for more moderate positions on executive pay? Were they aligned?


Continue reading: UK: Covid-19 and AGM 2021 Insights – Did Companies Listen on Executive Pay?


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