The German Federal Tax Court limits German CFC rules and anti-abuse provisions to wholly artificial arrangements.
In a decision of the German Federal Tax Court (GFTC) from 13 June 2018 (Decision I R 94/15 published on 17 October 2018) the GFTC ruled, among other things, that the German rules on controlled foreign companies (CFC) are not applicable if a foreign CFC is performing a genuine economic activity. In this regard, the GFTC referred to the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the Cadbury Schweppes case (C-196/04) in which it was ruled that UK CFC rules may only apply to wholly artificial arrangements which do not reflect economic reality and the purpose of which is to unduly obtain a tax advantage.
Discover more: The German Federal Tax Court limits German CFC rules
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