In the last issue of our Newsfilter, we have reported also on the main topics and phases of the planned tax reform, the aim of which is to decrease the tax and social security burden on employment and to increase the taxes on property and consumption.
In the last issue of our Newsfilter, we have reported also on the main topics and phases of the planned tax reform, the aim of which is to decrease the tax and social security burden on employment and to increase the taxes on property and consumption.
After Igor Matovič was appointed the new Finance Minister, surprising and unexpected proposals for changes in the field of taxes and family policy have leaked to the public, which, admittedly, correspond to the aim of the tax reform, but have not been presented before. According to the information available to us, out of the original framework of the Smart Tax Reform, the more generous carry forward of tax losses has the biggest chance to be approved. Once the particular proposals and documents are published, we will inform you in more detail.
In this issue of our Newsfilter we bring information on numerous newly
adopted measures and enhancements by the financial administration
(TOP1), planned e-invoices (TOP2), planned changes to the Accounting
Act (TOP3), latest developments in short-work measures (Kurzarbeit)
and first aid (TOP4), we compare meal vouchers to the financial
contribution to meals (TOP 5) and we also report on the latest and most
interesting news from the field of international taxes (TOP 6 – TOP 10),
in particular on the landmark G7 agreement on the minimum global
corporate tax and on no less ground-breaking plans of the European
Commission in the field of corporate taxation.
Continue reading: Slovakia: Q2 Newsfilter
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