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Taxand Top Ranked by Chambers & Partners in 2024!

Editorial Team 24 Apr 2024

We are delighted that once again Taxand’s legal talent around the world has been recognised by Chambers and Partners.

We are delighted that once again Taxand’s legal talent around the world has been recognised by Chambers and Partners. In 2024, not only has Taxand been ranked as a top tier multi-jurisdictional tax network, our member firms around the world have been ranked for their expertise in tax, together with individual accolades for numerous of our wonderful Tax professionals.


Congratulations to all of our Taxand firms who have been ranked:

Arsene, Taxand France; Arteo, Taxand Belgium; Barros Errazuriz, Taxand Chile; Bech-Bruun, Taxand Denmark; Borden Ladner Gervais, Taxand Canada; Borenius, Taxand Finland; Bruchou & Funes de Rioja, Taxand Argentina; Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Taxand Australia; Economic Laws Practice, Taxand India; ENS, Taxand South Africa; Flick Gocke Schaumburg, Taxand Germany; Garrigues, Taxand Peru, Taxand Portugal and Taxand Spain; Gomez-Pinzon, Taxand Colombia; Herzog Fox & Neeman, Taxand Israel; Mijares Angoitia Cortes Y Fuentes, Taxand Mexico; Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu, Taxand Japan; Salvador LLanillo Bernardo, Taxand Philippines; Selmer, Taxand Norway; Tax Partner AG, Taxand Switzerland; William Fry, Taxand Ireland; Withers Khattarwong, Taxand Singapore; Yulchon, Taxand South Korea and Zepos & Yannopoulos, Taxand Greece.


And of course to all of the Taxanders ranked by Chambers this year for their exceptional tax expertise. Well done to you all on this outstanding recognition!

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