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This year’s parliamentary elections are probably the first ones where the question of taxes and taxation plays such an important role. Taxand Poland discusses.

A fight with frauds, a fight with the draining of Polish tax system by corporations and banks – are only some of the postulates of election committees taking part in the game of Parliament.


The proposals of the Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) seem interesting and real among the multitude of electoral schemes:


  • introducing taxes to large department store chains and financial transactions. Still, these mean nothing when compared to planned changes in VAT. A draft of a new act on VAT has been put onlin, and can come into force already on 1 January 2016

A quick analysis of the draft, containing 441 editorial units (articles), shows that under the subject of VAT taxation are, among others, profits gained by a tax payer as a result of economic transactions aiming at obtaining tax advantages in a tax.


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Taxand's Take

Companies operating within Poland should take note of all these developments, especially if they are a large department store chain.

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Indirect Tax | Poland


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