On 27 December 2016 the Law No. 27.346 was published in the Official Gazette, which amends the income tax law, among others taxes. Taxand Argentina highlights the most signifcant changes.
Please find below a summary of the most relevant aspects introduced by the Law:
Increases the non-minimum tax threshold and modifies the income tax brackets for individual taxpayers
Increases the maximum invoicing amount allowed within each category of the Simplified Tax Regime
Creates a new specific tax on bets made through electronic gaming machines and/or automated betting machines
Creates a new indirect tax over online gambling
Creates a one-time extraordinary tax for certain speculative derivative transactions
Establishes that those Argentine residents that are tenants, representatives or intermediaries, or receive services from non-argentine residents, subject to VAT in Argentina, would have to act as surrogate taxpayers and pay VAT on behalf of the nonargentine residents
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Taxand's Take
Taxpayers in Argentina should familiarise themselves with these updates to ensure they remain compliant.