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A new publishing by AGEFI Luxembourg


We are pleased to share a paper “Director Fees: VAT or no VAT? Experiences from Luxembourg and other selected EU Countries” published by AGEFI Luxembourg, under the direction of Thibaut Boulangé and Sara Coccia of our Luxembourg firm, ATOZ Tax Advisors, together with our colleagues Stéphane Wilmet and Marie Lamensch (Arteo, Taxand Belgium), Nathalie Habibou and Audrey Vivaldi (Arsene, Taxand France), Barbara Fleckenstein-Weiland (Flick Gocke Shaumburg, Taxand Germany), Martijn Jaegers (Taxand Netherlands) and Sonya Manzor (William Fry, Taxand Ireland).


Our thanks to AGEFI Luxembourg, Le Journal Financier de Luxembourg for featuring the article.


Read more here.

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