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Erdikler, Taxand Turkey, provides a complete overview of the new tax law in Turkey.


A new tax law has been published in the Official Gazette in Turkey on 5 December 2017 with important changes in tax legislation. The Government had proposed a law amending different laws from taxation to crowdfunding, communication, mining, personnel data protection, industry zones, central bank, agricultural properties and many others and it has been accepted by the General Assembly in Parliament as well as the President.


The law of the amendment of various tax laws is made of 124 Articles including executive and enforcement articles, and 38 of these articles are related to tax regulations and some of them have very important taxation effects on taxpayers. Draft Law has had important changes in the Budget Commission and in the General Assembly. 21 articles were omitted and 18 articles were added to the draft.


Discover more: New tax law into force in 2018

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Taxand's Take

The effective date of most of the changes will be 1 January 2018. Some have different effective dates, please make sure to follow those varied dates.

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International Tax | Turkey


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