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An analysis by Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Taxand Australia


The Australian Treasury has recently released exposure draft legislation for build-to-rent (BTR) income tax concessions, first announced in the 2023-24 Budget.


The proposed measures include:


  • Increasing the Division 43 capital works deduction rate from 2.5% to 4%.
  • A reduction in the managed investment trust (MIT) withholding rate on rental income from eligible BTR investments from 30% to 15% during a 15-year compliance period.

To qualify, developments must consist of 50 or more residential dwellings, all owned by a single entity for at least 15 years and at least 10% of dwellings must be available as affordable tenancies. If a development fails to meet eligibility conditions, tax concessions will be reversed, and a “BTR misuse tax” will be imposed.


Tax experts from Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Taxand Australia, have published a full analysis of the legislation along with eligibility criteria here.

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