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An overview by Skeppsbron Skatt, Taxand Sweden


The Swedish government has recently presented the budget bill for 2025. Some of the main proposals relating to income tax and social security contributions include the following:


  • The earned income tax deduction and the increased basic deduction will be strengthened
  • The reduction in the earned income tax deductions and the increased basic deduction for higher income levels will be abolished
  • The level of compensation for expert tax in the so-called amount rule will be lowered
  • The amount limit for deductions for travel to and from work will be increased
  • A tax-free basic level for savings in investment savings accounts, endowment insurance and PEPPs will be introduced
  • Interest deductions for unsecured loans are phased out
  • Property tax on wind turbines to be increased
  • Provisions on deduction of previous years’ deficits will be improved and simplified

Oscar Gustafsson, Agnes Fröjd Almefjord and Lotta Liikanen from our Swedish member firm Skeppsbron Skatt have analysed these changes and their potential impact in more detail here.

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