United Arab Emirates

Al Tamimi & Company is a Taxand Global Member in United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates

Al Tamimi & Company is a Taxand Global Member in United Arab Emirates

Founded in 1989, Al Tamimi & Company is a full-service commercial firm combining knowledge, experience and expertise to ensure our clients have access to the best legal solutions that are commercially sound and cost effective.

The Tax team works with multinational corporations operating across the MENA region on the full range of tax work. We also support businesses based in our region on both domestic tax and advice on tax implications if they are expanding into other regions. We work across all sectors and also help governments develop and draft tax legislation. Our close working relationships with government and tax authorities means that we have a strong understanding of the legislation and can offer clear, practical advice.

Al Tamimi & Company became a member of Taxand Global in July 2024.

“Our partnership with Taxand Global represents a significant step forward for our firm, enhancing our ability to deliver world-class tax services across the globe.” Shiraz Khan, Partner and Head of Taxation at Al Tamimi & Company.

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Al Tamimi & Company

Level 7, Central Park Towers,
Dubai International Financial Centre
PO Box 9275, Dubai, UAE