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The Taxand Global Conference 2016 was hosted by Taxand Ireland in Dublin, 26-28 April.


In a world where technology is moving faster than any of us ever imagined it could, multinationals are required to keep on top of this ever changing landscape to stay ahead of the game. The Taxand Global Conference 2016 looked to the future – to smarter taxes for connected businesses in the post-BEPS world.

Key conference pointers

  • The October 2015 final BEPS reports are not the end – we enter now the implementation phase at the national level
  • National governments will each take their own approach – which may not be consistent (eg diverted profits, or US 385 regulations)
  • EU level changes (eg avoidance proposals) & challenges (eg State aid cases) will add additional uncertainties
  • Governments will continue to face competitive pressures and conflicting demands (eg patent boxes)
  • Access to treaty benefits will not be the same – substance will be needed


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