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Tax Quartett Podcast: The implementation of the GloBE transition rules

Nadia Altenburg 19 Jan 2024

Dr Nadia Altenburg, Flick Gocke Schaumburg, hosts a new episode of the Tax Quartett podcast, to discuss with global Taxand experts the current status of Pillar Two in in Sweden, Spain, Luxembourg, Germany, and the US.

The implementation of the GloBE transition rules


Dr Nadia Altenburg, Flick Gocke Schaumburg and Mathias Hildebrandt co-host a new episode of the Tax Quartett podcast, discussing the current status of Pillar Two in Sweden, Spain, Luxembourg, Germany, and the US along with Maria Norlin from Skeppsbron Skatt (Sweden), Andreas Medler from ATOZ Tax Advisors (Luxembourg), and Patxi Arrasate Roldan from Garrigues (Spain).


Our experts share their insights on domestic legislation, local issues, OECD guidance, the impact of the US Inflation Reduction Act for their clients, potential simplifications related to the Global Minimum Tax, and finally whether it has been a success or a failure.


Listen to the podcast on any of the available platforms, linked here: AppleSpotifyDeezer.

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Luxembourg | Pillar Two | Spain | Sweden | Tax | Tax Policy | USA


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