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An overview by Zepos & Yannopoulos, Taxand Greece


In the latest edition of their Corporate Tax Newsletter, Maria Zoupa and Daphne Cozonis, partners at our Greek firm, Zepos & Yannopoulos, summarise some of the recent developments in corporate and international tax affecting businesses in Greece including:

  • Clarifications on the withholding tax applicable on management fees and other payments to Greek branches of Swiss and certain other non-resident legal persons or entities.
  • Administrative guidance aimed at the prevention of double taxation in relation to profits distributions derived from temporary timing differences.
  • Administrative guidance on tax audit assessments when affecting the taxable base of time-barred tax years.
  • Legislative amendments and guidance for the exemption of meal vouchers from social security contributions.
  • Determination of non-cooperative states and states having preferential tax regimes for the year 2021.

Read the full newsletter here.

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Corporation Tax | Greece | International Tax | Tax | Tax Law


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