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An overview by Garrigues, Taxand Spain


In the May edition of its tax newsletter, our Spanish firm, Garrigues, provides an overview of key tax developments in Spain, including:

  • The introduction of legislation on personal income tax determining earned income in kind deriving from the exercise of a stock option plan by an inbound expatriate is taxable in Spain.
  • A ruling that if an assessment is annulled on substantive grounds, that tax authorities cannot revert the steps performed or initiate a new procedure.
  • Judgement that tax authorities must prove the degree of autonomy and responsibility and the exercising of powers to support the affirmation that a special senior management employment relationship exists.
  • Ruling that the payment of earned income by a Spanish entity to an employee in respect of work performed in another country does not make the recipient a personal income tax taxpayer.
  • The release of corporate income tax and non-resident income tax (permanent establishment) return forms for 2022.
  • Changes introduced in relation to VAT and excise and other special taxes through the transposition of various directives.

Read the full newsletter here.

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Income Tax | Spain | Tax | Tax Policy | VAT


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