UK: Reward and Employment Tax actions for year end and 21/22
In the final article in our short series of Reward and Employment Tax articles for the end of the 2020 year and heading towards the U.K. 21/22 tax year, we thought it would be useful to summarise some of the recent changes and actions to be taken.
In the final article in our short series of Reward and Employment Tax articles for the end of the 2020 year and heading towards the U.K. 21/22 tax year, we thought it would be useful to summarise some of the recent changes and actions to be taken.
It can be very isolating working from home, with no one to bounce ideas off, so it can be easy to miss new developments or remember to do some of the routine tasks. Some deadlines have been pushed out, and others not.
Discover more: UK: Reward and Employment Tax actions for year end and 21/22
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