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An overview by Zepos & Yannopoulos, Taxand Greece


In December, the Greek government published Law 5164/2024, aligning Greek legislation with Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2023/2775. It revises the size criteria for Greek businesses and groups, adjusting thresholds for balance sheet totals and net turnover under Greek GAAP.


These changes, effective from financial years starting from 1 January 2024, affect the classification of micro, small, medium, and large undertakings, as well as the reporting obligations for financial statements. The revisions also simplify the definition of “net turnover” and reduce the scope of certain reporting requirements for businesses under Greek GAAP and other regulations like the CSRD.


Georgia VoutsaKonstantinos Gialamas and Alina Tsempotarou from our Greek member firm Zepos & Yannopoulos have analysed these new criteria in the latest edition of their newsletter, which can be read here.

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