
In Finland, we are Borenius Attorneys Ltd


In Finland, we are Borenius Attorneys Ltd


Today, Borenius employs over 120 lawyers, and as a leading independent Finnish law firm, we work together with other highly regarded law firms across the globe that share our commitment to excellent service and quality. We have invested significantly in our global network of top-tier international law firms to ensure that we can provide the best advice for our clients both in Finland and in other jurisdictions.

Borenius’ top-ranked tax practice provides high-quality tax services that cover both domestic and international taxation. Our versatile team focuses on delivering high-quality integrated tax advice independent from audit work to corporate entities, associations, authorities, and private individuals. We take a hands-on approach to managing tax risks and optimising the tax burden.

We regularly advise Finnish and foreign listed companies and private equity houses on tax disputes, M&A structuring, and tax due diligence. Our expertise also includes advising Finnish and international clients on e.g. compensation schemes, indirect tax planning, transfer pricing, and advance rulings. We also assist our clients with other day-to-day tax challenges. The team in charge of your assignment will be tailored to solve any problem you may have in terms of taxation.

“​The team is very experienced with full knowledge of the matters under their responsibility. They think out of the box and are a real pleasure to work with.” – Legal500



The Team

Taxand in Finland


Borenius Attorneys Ltd.
Eteläesplanadi 2, 00130


+358 20 713 33